The Flag Prayer

This prayer was delivered by Archbishop Peter Hollingworth at the Australian National Flag Day ceremony, Brisbane, 3 September 2000:

"Almighty and most merciful God,
the sovereign lord of all nations;
we give you thanks for this our flag,
the symbol of our nationhood,
which we raise this day.
We thank you for the abundant blessings
you have bestowed upon us,
for our heritage expressed in three crosses
of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick,
for the Southern Cross set in azure skies,
the symbol of the land where we live today,
and for the Federal star,
the symbol of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Finally we give thanks for the blessings of cultural diversity,
For though we are many people, yet we are one nation,
With one destiny under your good providence,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."


Few Australians know the unique and proud story of our flag –the only national flag to fly over an entire continent, but also the first to be chosen in an open public competition. Following federation in 1901, the new Commonwealth government arranged a competition to choose a flag for the new nation, and entries were submitted from nearly 1% of the population at that time. Five people tied for the honour of designing the Australian flag - Annie Dorrington, Ivor Evans, Leslie Hawkins, Egbert Nuttall, and William Stevens.  The winning design was unveiled on 3 September, which has been officially proclaimed as Australian National Flag Day. 


We’re all proud of our country and we can fly our flag to show it!